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Our People Commitment

An Amazing Place To Work
Updated year end June 2020

We believe that our people are the heart of our organisation, and the culture that we engender must align with how we work with our clients. Our Client Commitments reflect our desire to closely work with clients to understand their needs, and to build long-term trusting relationships.


We recognise that this means we want our people to work in an inclusive, trusting and highly engaging workplace. We refer to this as making BWRS an “Amazing Place To Work”.


There are a number of key elements to our approach; benchmarking and monitoring our employee engagement, providing a safe and healthy work environment, flexible work practices and actively promoting diversity and inclusion.


Our Organisational Culture

During the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, we measured our peoples’ safety and well-being while working from home. We also actively encouraged feedback on the transition to working from home and manager communication.


We had an amazing 92% response rate, with 75% stating they were ok and over 90% telling us that they and their families were safe and well.


In Q1 of our current financial year, we will run a standardised engagement survey across our organisation in order to benchmark traditional engagement of our people and to provide actions and areas for us to focus on in the coming year.


Workplace Safety and Wellbeing

In August 2020 we continued our traditional “Winter Day Off” for all our people, where we give a day’s leave from the office to all staff, with half taking a Friday and the other half the Following Monday. This is warmly received by staff, and the unexpected nature of the date provides a freedom to extend a weekend without impacting on leave balances.


This year we have made the commitment to move all our people to a minimum of 10 days Sick Leave, to ensure all our people have enough paid days to stay home when they or a dependent is unwell.


Building an Inclusive Workplace

It is important to BWRS to build a workplace that encourages diversity and inclusion, allowing us to better reflect the broad client base we work with, and to help us access talent across our industry to continue to grow and be successful.


While we are proud to have a 50/50 split of gender on the Executive team, we are conscious through the recruitment of new talent to ensure we have a heightened focus on diversity across our organisation.



After trialing a number of key platforms and processes during the Covid-19 lockdown, we released our completed Flexible Work Framework. This framework includes a range of flexible options including work from home or other location, flexible hours of work and job share opportunities. We are encouraging all our people to look at how flex can work for them and are investing in our IT to further support this. Next year, we will report on the take-up of our flex work options.



John Chandler



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